LEAVE AND CLEAVE — Your Alpha is NOT Fr Fausto.. it's Mr Bon Hillier, you stupid bitch — GTFU or GTFO

Look you stupid bitch Maritza.. Even though we were married in the Archdiocese of Toronto for the Roman Catholic Church on Saturday October 15th, 2011 by Fr Frank Wagner at St Anne's Parish Church, you never technically "parted ways" from your mother and father, as required for God to recognize the VALIDITY of Our Marriage.

  • As explored by Pr Doyle in his exploration of how marriage is defined and recognized in the Catholic Church:
    • The concept of “leave and cleave” takes its origin from God’s statement in the creation narrative (Gn 2:24) that, in marriage, “a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife.”


It’s not my fault’:
Misreading the concept of original sin

Father Kenneth Doyle • Catholic News Service • Posted August 29, 2019 | The concept of “leave and cleave” takes its origin from God’s statement in the creation narrative (Gn 2:24) that, in marriage, “a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife.”

That doesn’t mean, of course, that a man or woman must abandon contact with one’s own birth family; but it does mean that the new spouse needs to be the most significant human relationship in one’s life.

As for your husband’s reluctance to speak with a priest, I share some of his same discomfort; as a priest, I have often felt unqualified and referred a couple to a professional marriage counselor, usually a layperson. (I do have a preference for Catholic counselors, because I want the assurance that marriage is viewed as a permanent commitment.)

As to whether your current situation might justify an annulment in the church’s view, I cannot say without more information.

Remember that annulments are not easy: For an annulment, one must be able to go back to the time of the marriage and show that, from the outset, there was some fundamental problem (emotional immaturity on one or both sides, for example, or a radical disharmony of values) substantial enough to indicate that this particular marriage could never have lasted.

Read full article at Catholic Philly:


You ALWAYS relied on yo mommy Mrs Orozco to let you act like a fucking CHILD in your role as my wife, bitch. I said it before and I'll reinstate it now.. WE ARE ABSOLUTE ANNULMENT as you NEVER "..technically 'parted ways' from your mother and father.."

So go to HELL with your Mother and your Father who art NOT in Heaven, nor even on the list of you little HO'ROZCO WHORE. You are sexier Maritza, but Farklas is MORE OF A WOMAN than you with your unresolved daddy issues. You even CLAIM that a Forgiveness of a Pedophile Rapist is the EQUIVALENT of God neutralizing the GRAVITY and EFFECT of your Father Fausto making love to a 14-yr-old Latina when he was 48-yrs-old in 1987, when they AGE OF CONSENT was 14. No criminal complaint was made, so your consent is understood, you HO'ROZCO bitch.

